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Meaningful Change Does Not Require Radical Change.

Or does it?

I was challenging myself to take my talents to a HIGHER LEVEL, and this idea came about. I asked myself what it takes to see change (i.e., growth).

Then I waited.

While waiting, I began to define change, what meaningful change looked like in my life, and where I ranked.

What do you believe? Do you think that meaningful change requires radical change?

I'm so 50/50 on this. Heres why:

On the one hand I know that in order to see true change (i.e., growth) you have to be wildly intentional about achieving the prize.

Now, the prize is relative. But first you have to identify it. Secondly you have go after it, and do it tenaciously. So I believe....

...In part.

The other half of this idea is that meaningful change can come "without all that..."

All of the tenacity, radical shifts, bold moves, I mean.

It's because I've been preaching the appreciation of gradual change as still being change, that I can't release the other half.

I'm walking through gradual change as we speak, with BBYB, which is why I'm coaching you guys to explore your personal stance.

I realized years ago that the person I wanted to be had to developed, and throughout those development stages she came about uniquely.

Your growth can come about in many ways. Because of this simple truth, I encourage you to discover your position. Instead of allowing the plethora of belief systems to resonate with you from your social media timeline, stop.

Decode them. Assess your life as it is in that moment. Set clear objectives and outline the steps required for YOU to take.

In our BBYB™ Community we emphasize YOU being at the center of the journey. Not others. We value our friends, family, co-workers, etc...but without YOU being your very best, there's no way you can bring that same energy to other relationships or environments.

I'll leave you with this:

Though difficult, the growth I've experienced over time has proven to be more and more meaningful at every new stage of my life! Laying the groundwork for our future is worth the approach to growth, be it radical or not!

Welcome to the BBYB Community! Looking forward to seeing you grow in the best way that works for you!

Until next week,

Dr. A

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